Riotec iDC9602A 1D Bluetooth Scanner (Moto SE955, w/ Display)

$288.60 $240.50
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Riotec iDC9602A 1D Mobil Pocket Memory Barcode laser scanner (Moto SE955 Laser, w/ Display)

Smart Mobile POS is working with Riotec to launch the new range of iDC9600 series of Bluetooth Mobile Pocket Memory Barcode Scanners with built in LCD display and 1MB memory for mobile barcode scanning applications. The barcode scanners connect to any Bluetooth enabled Apple iOS, Android and Windows tablet PCs and smartphones to provide wireless barcode finctionality in both retail and warehouse applications. The built LCD screen on the unit offers and easy paring and set up of the barcode scanner with your tablet PC or smartphone and view barcode data as it is scanned in.

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